The “PPU Project” was born as a small cell with a big heart to join the great multitude of non-profit proposals that seek to contribute their grain of sand to the growing demand for problems and affectations that daily afflict humanity in their great diversity of manifestations.
The discovery of the factors that induce human beings to manifest an asocial, antisocial, criminal or criminal behavior, is now the arduous task and mission that the «PPU Project» aims to fulfill, and starting with this first approach set forth in this work, we can start by eliminating that collective Karma existing in the three branches of power; executive, legislative and judicial. And from there, start weaving the largest humanitarian network in history.
La creación de un nuevo modelo de desarrollo humano orientado a la defensa de los derechos individuales y colectivos que buscan el bienestar, la justicia y la verdad para las futuras generaciones, es el gran reto que el “Proyecto PPU” tiene como meta alcanzar.
El objetivo del “Proyecto PPU” está fundamentado en trabajar conjuntamente con las comunidades universitarias, conformando grupos interdisciplinarios que generen estrategias de participación y solución para las problemáticas sociales contemporáneas que están en el día a día; el abuso del poder administrativo, la corrupción política, el engaño y secretismo, la negligencia en los organismos de control y las demás violaciones de los derechos fundamentales, entre otras. Así, se consigue que en el 2025 el liderazgo en las ramas del poder ejecutivo, legislativo y judicial en Colombia y otros países del mundo, este a cargo de un conglomerado interdisciplinario de las universidades que generen programas con garantías potenciales de bienestar.
To be able to fulfill its social objectives, especially among the youth population as they are the future parents, the “PPU Project” led by the universities, must attend to two major vital fronts, closely related. First, it must learn to go deeper and deeper into its essence, its raison d’être, and internalize more and more fully the fundamental values around which its members will work. Second, it must create a dynamic, fast, agile, awake organic structure, highly sensitive to the way of thinking and feeling of the young postmodern because they are responsible for future generations, until being able to speak to them in their language and establish synergies with it. . The first challenge is related in some way to the Being of University Organizations, with the essential values that will govern our thinking, our feelings and our will. The second, with Doing, with the way of structuring ourselves and defining our programs to reach with sensitivity and skill a youth that, in general, no longer accepts neither the discourse of traditional values nor the rational discourse. This segment therefore consists of two parts: in the first we will delve into the Being of each organization. In the second we will describe the type of human structure capable of responding to the great challenge of successfully reaching young people in all countries.