And why the Universities?
Because a first economic power has already taken possession of a first country in the world, and the most powerful in terms of the culture of abuse. Because behind it come many others with the same vision of ambition and excessive power. Because the Luciferian philosophy that they adore and defend is 100% materialistic. Because 20 percent of the world population consumes 80% of the planet’s resources.
It is too late to be pessimistic, I know that a man can even only defeat all walls. Humanity does not have more than 10 years to reverse the trend and avoid crossing the border into that unknown land that would no longer be ours.
We have generated phenomena that exceed us, water, air, matter, the different forms linked from our origins, but recently we have broken all those links.
It is up to us to write the continuation of our story
Let’s vote for the University Political Party