The Great University Army

Let’s start by visualizing those immense and luxurious palaces where deviant leaders and rulers live, turned into universities specialized in training programs for the treatment of deviations in human behavior and behavior.

Let’s visualize all the universities in each country creating and exposing the new models of political constitutions, new models of control that replace the criminal laws, and new models of citizen coexistence, positioning the Culture of Good Treatment as its main philosophy, etc. Let us visualize the universities running as candidates for the various public offices, (presidencies, ministries, senate, chamber, governments, mayors, etc.), and also visualize all the citizens of the country of legal age, and en masse as never seen before. , democratically voting for the universities that present the best proposals.

Let us visualize the interdisciplinary groups of the universities exercising all the tasks of public administration from their preferred environment that is inside the universities themselves, and with neutral spaces, more pleasant and pleasant for teamwork, and without spaces for the false ego . Let us visualize large delegations of teachers entering the senate representing all the cities to present the solution proposals that the entire human team of each university (Rectors, deans, teachers and students) have developed as solution proposals.

And that among these proposals are presented, for example, the budgets to change the traditional electrical energy system through wiring, for a new model of renewable energy, free and unlimited in every country in the world. And they also present new models of free education oriented first of all to the discovery and development of the innate potentials of each being, etc.

It is logical that the great avalanche of contradictors who will let their arguments against this proposal come soon, and that with the economic power they possess together with the feeling of fear, fear and panic that governs them, they will have the desire to attack this proposal. But here they are going to find a great obstacle, and that is, receiving a little of their own medicine; the strategy of silence. That Silence of the Brave pacifist warriors who will put this proposal into practice to liberate the masses, will be the great obstacle that they will not be able to knock down, and that will surely overcome them.

Friends, it is time to say goodbye to fear and fear forever, and assume the courage and strength we need to win with this Silent Revolution, very silent, quite silent, extremely silent.

In silence we will spread the word among the entire university union worldwide. In silence we will form the extensive networks until the approximate 198 countries of the world are connected. In silence we will develop all the proposals for solutions that humanity needs for its absolute and total well-being. In silence we will spread the word to all communities and populations. In silence we will collect the signatures to register the «New Model of the University Political Party». In silence, the universities will present the most intelligent, sensible and grounded proposals to the people. In silence we will go to the polls and vote for this new administrative alternative etc. And united in silence, in total peace, harmony and calm, we will be able to change history, and rescue the world that belongs to children.

What a wonderful experience is silence. In silence we connect with the source. In silence, the brightest and most transformative ideas arise. In silence we find ourselves. In silence we can create and manifest what we want. In silence we can harmonize. In silence we can transcend. In silence we can evolve. And in the silence we can find the path that will lead us to our parental home.